Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Love is All.

The last couple of weeks have been interesting. I am still learning, growing, and progressing, yet I also have so many anxieties and insecurities. Most of these come from the 'what-ifs' in life and the concerns for my future. Sometimes I think everything is great and I don't even pay attention to these things, but at other times it is all I can do to push them off till I can take the time to examine them. Thanksgiving was one of these things on the brink of uncertainty this year.

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I got into some trouble a few months back. Due to the choices I made, I have had to learn how to live with some consequences. One of these consequences is court ordered probation. This has caused me many anxieties, particularly when it comes to being accepted by the people around me that I love. I nearly skipped Thanksgiving altogether because I was positive I would feel out of place and super awkward. However, I found some tiny thread of courage and joined my family. Now I am grateful that I did, but at the time I was sure I was an outcast and an embarrassment to them.

The cool thing about a family is the unique ability to rally around each other and be there for one another regardless of what is happening. It's not an easy thing to do, but somehow, good families manage it. This is what I learned at Thanksgiving: that a family can see the best parts of you even when you are in the midst of the dark. I am grateful for a loving and supportive family. Another awesome support system is a group of true friends, the people who know your struggles and choose to stick around even though they could leave you to trudge the muddy ravine alone. True friends are the ones who reach out to help you find that there is a way out. My support group of friends is ever expanding, and I don't have the words to describe how forever grateful I am that they show me His light by their examples and their strength.

This is a short post, but I just wanted to express my gratitude and love for all those who are sticking around during this portion of my life.


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